Denison College of Secondary Education: Kelso High Campus

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This Key Learning Area includes the study of History, Geography and Commerce in Stages 4 and 5 and Business Studies, Legal Studies, Economics, Geography, Society and Culture, Ancient and Modern History in Stage 6. 

 Geography provides students with vital information about the world they live in. It is the study of places – their environments, populations, economies and communities – and how and why these places are changing. It gives students a holistic view of the world. Students gain understanding, knowledge and skills to make sense of issues such as climatic change, resource depletion, urban growth, population pressures, globalisation, natural disasters and environmental challenges.

 The study of History allows students to appreciate and enjoy the human endeavours and achievements of the past, both for their own intrinsic interest and for their legacy to later generations. History provides opportunities for students to explore human life and actions in a range of historical contexts, and develop understanding of human motives, consequences and empathy towards others' experiences.

South America

The study of History and Geography equip students with the knowledge and skills essential for their future roles as active, informed citizens and advocates for a fair and just society, and to enable students to become engaged in lifelong learning.Students who study Commerce will develop knowledge, skills and understandings related to consumer, financial, business, legal and employment issues so that they are able to make informed and responsible decisions.

Business Studies supports students to become informed and responsible citizens by developing knowledge, understanding, skills and values relevant to their interactions with business and participation in a dynamic business environment. The aim of Economics is to develop students' knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes for effective economic thinking that contributes to socially responsible, competent economic decision-making in a changing economy.

Legal Studies develops students' knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to the legal system and its effectiveness in promoting a just and fair society, with a view to empowering students to participate effectively as citizens at the local, national and international level. The aim of Society and Culture is to develop a student's knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes essential to achieving social and cultural literacy by examining the interactions between persons, societies, cultures and environments across time.