Denison College of Secondary Education: Kelso High Campus

Truth Courtesy Cooperation

Telephone02 6331 4544

Rewards and recognition

Kelso High Campus is committed to recognising student achievement in all areas of schooling. Commendation Ceremonies are held twice a year and the annual Presentation Night is held in December.

Our ongoing Rewards and Recognition Program aims to reward and recognise appropriate behaviour and achievements through issuing of merits and is based on the principles of Positive Behaviour for Learning and the principles of:

Be Safe,

Be on Task,

Be Respectful,

Be a Learner.

All students will commence the year on WHITE level and as students receive MERITS from teachers they will be able to move onto BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD levels. Students who reach these levels will receive recognition at either special Merit Presentation Assemblies or the annual Presentation Night.

Merits will be given in the areas of:

Achievement (academic, sporting and cultural),

Behaviour (in the class, playground and on excursions),

Uniform (consistently meeting uniform expectations).

Students may be placed on GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, RED or PURPLE levels where their behaviour and conduct does not meet school expectations. Students placed on these levels will be monitored through placement on various coloured cards and may lose privileges.


GOLD- Exceptional Achievement – Students will be awarded a Principal’s Medallion presented at the annual Presentation Night.

SILVER- Kelso High Campus Award presented at special Merit Presentation Assemblies.

BRONZE- Kelso High Campus Award presented at special Merit Presentation Assemblies.

WHITE- Entry level for all students.

GREEN – Causing concern in the classroom.

BLUE – Causing concern in regard to attendance.

YELLOW – Causing concern across the school.

RED – Return from suspension.

PURPLE – Principal's Card for serious breaches of discipline code.