Kelso High Campus is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school. Kelso Code is the school-wide program to teach behavioural expectations in the same manner as any curriculum subject and reward students for appropriate behaviour.
Kelso Code is important to our school because:
- it enables students to understand expectations
- it acknowledges and rewards positive behaviour
- it allows mutual understanding and respect to be built in a friendly, positive manner
- the decision making process can be driven by data that helps the school to decide what behavioural areas need to be addressed.
At Kelso High we value:
- Being on Task
- Being Safe
- Being Respectful and
- Being Learners
Additionally, within these three expectations, behaviours needed for all students to succeed are:
- following teacher instructions
- being in the right place at the right time
- being ready to learn
- using polite and friendly language
- taking off and puttting hats away
- turning off mobile phones and putting them in their bags
- remaining in theirseat
- caring for each other, our classroom and our equipment.
The PBL team has staff representatives from all faculties and uses data to identify behaviours which need to be taughtand/or reinforced. The team also determines areas within the school where these behaviours occur so that changes can be made to the school and learning environment.
At Kelso High we acknowledge that families are important members of our school community. We encourage you to work with us towards a common goal of helping all children improve the quality of their learning environment. This can be done by encouraging increased learning time and discouraging problem behaviour, so that all students can reach their full potential academically and socially.