Denison College of Secondary Education: Kelso High Campus

Truth Courtesy Cooperation

Telephone02 6331 4544

Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.


Contacting faculty and staff

If you would like to contact a member of staff, please don't hesitate to call or email us. The campus number is (02) 6331 4544. If you wish to make contact by email then please send an email to and mark it Attn: Teacher Name. This will be forwarded to the teacher and communication can flow thereafter.

Please be aware that teachers are often teaching all day and may not be able to respond immediately.

If you have any concerns, the relevant adviser may be a good person to contact in the first instance.

Year Advisers

Year 7: Maresha Ezzy and Brooke Scoffield
Year 8: Lily Walsh
Year 9:  Emily Rhynehart
Year 10: Shaun Rowlands
Year 11: Hannah English
Year 12: Beatrice Grace

In addition to the year advisers, there are advisers for boys and girls.
Boys: Christopher Morris
Girls: Christine Sams and
Senior Studies Mentor: Christopher Morris


If you have any concerns around overall attendance and partial absences, contact the relevant deputy principal.
Years 7 and 10: Karen Mortimore
Years 8 and 11: Sharon Mendes
Years 9 and 12: Gemma Carter (Mon, Tues & Wed) and Mick Feening (Thurs & Fri)
Support: Nathan Kenny
Head Teacher Administration: Sandra Howarth

Bullying concerns

Head Teacher Wellbeing: Brendan Hyam

Careers advice

For assistance arranging Work Experience, University Early Entry and general careers advice, contact Jennifer Forster.

Class changes

These are possible, however, please speak to the relevant Deputy Principal for your year group to arrange a formal meeting.


The school counsellor works with students and their families to make school a happy experience and help students who may be struggling.
Bronwyn Johnston (Monday, Thursday, Friday)
Emily Boland (Tuesday)
Either Bronwyn Johnston or Emily Boland will be available on Wednesdays. 


If you wish to discuss patterns of study, electives, information about subjects or overall Year 7-12 curriculum, please arrange a time to talk to the relevant Faculty Head Teacher or College Head Teacher.
Deputy Principal (Kelso High Campus): Michael Feening
Curriculum: Sandra Howarth
Teaching and Learning: Michael Feening
CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts): Selina Ash
English: Jessie Adams
HSIE (Human Society and Its Environment) and Languages: Murray Wood
Mathematics: Michelle Anderson
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education): Zoey Macpherson
Science: Jeanine Lawler
TAS (Technological and Applied Studies): William Maloney

Learning support team

This team oversees the learning and welfare of students, creates strategies and plans and allocates funding.
Karen Cain
Oriana Zanon


Kelso High Campus Principal: Michael Sloan

Co-curricular activities

Dance, Drama and Music: Selina Ash
Sporting teams and events: Zoey Macpherson

Enrichment/gifted and talented/ virtual selective school

Aurora and iXtend programs: TBC

Aboriginal education

Girri Girri and Norta Norta: Kris Kennedy and Casey Mackay
Aboriginal Education Officer: Kris Kennedy

Leadership team

Coordinator of Year 12 Leaders: Christopher Morris

Parent - teacher evenings

These occur twice during the year, and notice is given to parents and carers so they can book times to talk to the relevant teachers. Bookings are made online: enquiries to the front office.

School reports

These are issued twice a year. If you have any questions, contact Sandra Howarth, Head Teacher Administration

Senior studies

For information about seminars, patterns of study and elective choices, contact Sharon Mendes, Deputy Principal 

Special education/ support

For information about funding, programs, placements and ongoing issues around support for students with special educational needs, contact Lauren Dean, Head Teacher Support


Student Representative Council across Years 7–11: TBC

Student assistance

To discuss help with the costs associated with uniforms, fees, excursions and equipment, contact Brendan Hyam, Head Teacher Wellbeing 

Subject information

For background information on various subjects, contact the school, give the name of the subject, and ask for the relevant Head Teacher.

Technology Support Officer (TSO)

Our TSO, Todd Miller, looks after various aspects of technology, from computers and projectors to supporting students with their laptops and smart devices. Students are encouraged to go to the library if they have any issues with a device so he can offer assistance. Todd can also reset passwords and assist with access to the computers and wifi.

If you have any questions or concerns please call the office and ask to speak to Todd Miller who is on-site 9 days a fortnight.


For explanations or to discuss issues with compliance, contact Brendan Hyam,  the Head Teacher Wellbeing

Welfare and discipline/ suspension return

A parent/carer is expected to attend return from  suspension meetings with their child.